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PCGAME INC AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Policy

1. General

This company (the "Company") is committed to establishing and maintaining an effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) program, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, designed to detect and prevent money laundering activities related to the sale of digital goods.

2. Customer Identification and Verification

The Company will take reasonable steps to identify and verify the identity of each customer prior to entering into a business relationship. This includes collecting customer information such as name, address, and contact information. The Company may also request additional information and documents as necessary to confirm the customer's identity.

3. Risk Assessment

The Company will conduct a risk assessment to determine the level of risk associated with each customer. This includes assessing the customer's country of origin, the nature of the digital goods being purchased, and the customer’s intended use of the digital goods.

4. Transaction Monitoring

The Company will monitor customer transactions to identify suspicious activities. This includes monitoring for large or unusual transactions, transactions with no apparent economic purpose, and transactions with jurisdiction associated with high risk of money laundering.

5. Limiting Spending

The company will maintain "hard-coded" spending limits for each customer account, not allowing the consumer to exceed transaction thresholds that could be associated with money laundering. Maintaining account spending limits below $10,000 per month, with the normal monthly volume limit not exceeding $2,500 per month.

6. Restricting user access to one account

To assure spending limits have integrity our company deploys technology to monitor a user throughout our network, then restricting that user to the use of only one customer account. If a customer is found to have bypassed these restrictions and has been found to have created a second account, this account will be immediately terminated. Enforcing the restriction of one account per one customer.

7. Reporting

The Company will report any suspicious activities to applicable authorities as required.